Saturday, August 30, 2008

Charlotte's and Lillian's Birthday Party

A kiss for 1 of the birthday girls.

Lillian and Charlotte opening Maddy's present.

She was mad in this picture because her lobster's leg fell off.

What a fun Saturday we had at Charlotte's and Lillian's birthday party. We played pin the flower on the cupcake, made puppets (Maddy's was a lobster, or lobstah as we would say back East), and had snacks and cupcakes. Maddy was a little bit of a loner because she didn't know any of the other kids and she wasn't too sure why we had to leave the birthday gifts we brought.

Maddy will be starting preschool soon and that will help her know what to do. It's different when you are around older kids most of the time instead of those your own age.


Barbara said...

It was a fun party.
I am glad you two ladies were able to come.
What a cute shot of the "Kiss"...
You are getting quite good with the camera lady!!
I couldn't make it in today ...still way to sick.
Hope it didn't hang you up.
Have a great family day on Monday.
Love, B.

Teagan said...

I am so glad you guys could come. You are such a great friend.

ps-My girls LOVE LOVE LOVE their gifts from you- THANK YOU!!