Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boo at the Zoo

Sunday we went to the Boo at the Zoo. We weren't able to stay for long, but we always have fun at the zoo. After, we went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch. We hadn't been there in a long time. Both of the kids loved the experience and the food wasn't quite as bad as I remember it.

Later that day, cousin Gabe came over to play while sister Alex was at a birthday party.


mine eyes said...

I am so sorry we couldn't get to the zoo. We were all so sad. We wanted to go and play too. I guess we can shot for next year. You will have to zip me an email with the other passages to allow entry to the zoo area.

Our Fam said...

Fun Fun Fun, we are going in a couple weeks for the zoo lights. Thats always fun.