Saturday, October 25, 2008

Make and Take

I got to go to Maddy's school today and work with her teacher, the speech therapist and other moms in creating PECS (see below).

The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an augmentative communication system developed to help individuals quickly acquire a functional means of communication (Bondy and Frost, 1994). PECS is appropriate for individuals who do not use speech or who may speak with limited effectiveness: those who have articulation or motor planning difficulties, limited communicative partners, lack of initiative in communication, etc.

Although Maddy is not diagnosed autistic, she has some communication issues, quirks, and her own jargon. Using the PECS will give her the words she needs and also help her make meaningful and longer sentences.

It was a lot of fun to share time with other mothers who have children in the SPICE preschool program. I got to meet Ali's mom, too. Ali is one of Maddy's best friends. I'll get to meet Ali when I go with Maddy on her first field trip on Tuesday.


Our Fam said...

Thats awesome..... I am glad that you are getting to make some new friends through this aswell. I love PECS, it comes in real handy with children with communication problems. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

mine eyes said...

I too love the PEC's system. I also love using concrete realistic pictures whenever possible. I encourage you too also look into Social Stories. This will help my kiddos perpare for new things and gives them ideas on what I expect with their behavior in new atmospheres.