Saturday, December 27, 2008


Our trip to Disneyland was wonderful, except for the major piece that was missing known as Daddy. It didn't feel like Christmas at all without Matt.
Here are the first round of pictures to enjoy. Peyton wasn't too keen on the characters that is why he isn't in that many of the shots. Plus, he is a sprinter and I wasn't feeling up to chasing him all over the park.
I know there are a lot of images, but these are so Daddy can see them, too.


Our Fam said...

It looks like you guys had a blast. I am SO glad. I know its never the same without daddy, but I am sure it was easier than Christmas at home and allot more fun : ). Love you guys and see you on Monday.

Barbara said...

So glad your Mom and Dad can be with you for part of the time Daddy is away:)
We got a web cam for Christmas and can't wait to use it...I am sure you have already thought of using one to see Daddy but thought I would bring it up anyway;) Somehow I can't stop "Mothering you"..I think is it my job.hehehehe So forgive me.
Happy New Year!