Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Since Daddy can't be here to celebrate his birthday - January 5, we are doing it for him. We are so proud of you daddy for the important work you are doing to protect the Marines and for the sacrifice you are making for our family.

I don't know that Matt and I truly realized how hard this would be - being away from each other. Or, maybe we did, but in order to make the goodbye easier, we put up a good front. It's hard not to be able to just pick up the phone and call him whenever I want to. We went 2 days without talking and boy do things start to fill your mind.

Soon, Matt will install Skype (a web based phone/video camera communication system) so we can see him and talk to him for free. We tested it out with Nana and the gang in NH and it is really neat.

Here's a picture of the giant cup cake we got for you. Also some pictures of the kids leaving you kisses in the kissing box and Maddy cutting off a ring on your chain telling us how many days until you come home.


Our Fam said...

So cute, Happy Birthday Matt. Keep safe while you are away. You are deifnately missed and loved. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Unknown said...

miss you guys... save me some cupcake

mine eyes said...

Happy Birthday Matt. That looks like a yummy cupcake!