Monday, February 23, 2009

What we've been up to . . .

The livingroom during construction.
After, Greg hung the flat screen for us.
We moved the sectional from the office in for now. Next up would be new furniture. Although the rocking chair is new and the hand painted side piece. I have a new favorite store called Donner and Boone!
The entry from the garage.

I took the blinds down. Not too happy with these curtains right now, so I will be looking for something else. . . .

Downstairs bathroom tile. This is the same in the kids bathroom.

Tile in the master bath.

It has been a while since I have been able to do a blog entry. It amazes me that time goes by so fast. One of the latest projects at the house was new floors. Matt wanted to get new tile in the bathrooms and I wanted to get rid of the carpet (at least in the livingroom). So, these pictures are some befores and afters. Everything might not be quite in it's place. I'll end up moving a few things I am sure.


Barbara said...

I like it.
It must feel all clean and organized to have the carpet gone.
I long for a house with hardwood floors...
Maybe someday:)

mine eyes said...

You have such wonderful taste! The house was beautiful before- but the pictures are great. It has such a warm and easy to clean feeling. Bravo!

Unknown said...

This is my Valentine's Day present, so everytime I walk on the floor, I will think of Valentine's Day.