Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Almost Home

See my boo boo?

1 day left on our chain.

Matt called me at school today to let me know he was stateside. Yeah! He will be home Wednesday evening. I feel like I can finally get excited. I haven't let myself because it would have made the days go by that much slower.
Oh, and take a look at Peyton's head. We ended up in the ER Saturday afternoon for a bit of "glue" on a nice gash. It took 3 adults (2 of which were men) to hold him down to put the glue on and let it dry. Good thing they had popsicles.

1 comment:

mine eyes said...

Peyton is showing you what a big boy he is now. He even has the big boy ouies to prove it. We are so happy that Matt is home. Welcome back Matt!