Saturday, June 13, 2009


Waiting for the Pixar Parade.

CA Adventure
Handy Many

My 2 men

Riding the Ladybugs. Peyton had to do it twice.

Playing at A Bug's Life

A train ride around the park.

Pirate island.

Pirate island.

Peek a boo pirate.

Playing in the caves.

Maddy was trying to "save" Peyton, not push him in. Promise.

Waiting for a parade.
Surfing at California Adventure.

Maddy and Minnie
Riding Dumbo. We did this one twice.

They actual stopped for a moment to sit together.

One handsome little devil.
The loves of my life.
Nemo! We only had to wait 20 minutes.
L for Leonard
A great family shot.
It has been so long since I have done a post. May is such a crazy month in the life of a school administrator. There just hasn't been any time to breathe let alone post what is going on in our life.

Needless to say, our week long vacation to California was well deserved. We finally had a chance to spend some quality family time together since Matt came home. The first 4 days were at Disneyland, we had one travel/beach day, and then a day at Sea World and 1 at the San Diego Zoo. A few hundred pictures were taken, here is a few from Disneyland . . .


Our Fam said...

Cute, You got a couple of GREAT family shots, and Maddie cracks me up.... SO full of personality. I am SO glad that you guys had a relaxing week, you deserve it. Now that your back I hope we dont bog you down with too much crap. Love ya girl XOXOXO

Barbara said...

It is fun to "get away" if only to appreciate getting home. Looks like a fun time was had by all.
I have a new grandbaby..Lucy.
Every time I think about the new school I get butterflies in my I can't even imagine what it is like for you...
I still have to pack up some stuff in the room so maybe I will see you this week sometime.
Love, B.