Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

Nothing like spending a 80 degree night trick or treating. I love Arizona! It was such a fun day. We did costuemes this year at school. We seem to go back and forth on this and if the kids should be allowed to wear them all day. We did a costume parade right on the stage at morning assembly.

The whole school was wonderful. Most educators dread Halloween, but the Legacy Lions were truly safe, responsible and respectful (our 3 rules).

It was a hoot to see so many of my staff dressed up as witches. Well, we are all women . . . (except poor Ricardo our janitor).

Maddy had a fun Halloween at school and then we headed to the Glasford's house for some trick or treating. We've spent the last 4 Halloweens with them. Guess it is tradition now.


mine eyes said...

As one parent from the school- we thank you for allowing the kids to have some good ole fashion clean fun.
You kiddos costumes were so cute!

Teagan said...

I LOVE the one of Maddy at the front door peeking in...LOVE IT!!! its like a post card.
ps-if you are doing any winter cleaning of maddy's clothes you know who would take them off your hands:)
miss you.
ps-loved that Charlotte and Lillian could be a part of the Halloween school morning opening. Charlotte LOVED IT. did you see the video of it on my mom's blog?