Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We didn't take nearly enough pictures this Thanksgiving, but sometimes you just gotta put the camera down and enjoy what's happening. With Matt leaving in a few days, that is the priority now, not taking pictures. We did get a few in . . .

Grammy and Papa were here to help us celebrate Thanksgiving at Uncle Scott and Aunt Melissa's. It was also a time to spend with Daddy since he is leaving in less than two weeks. I know that his heart was so happy when Maddy wanted to play hockey! Peyton would have been out there, too but he was taking a nap.

We got our Christmas tree up and attempted to finish some things on Daddy's to do list. Daddy is busy leaving us messages on how to fix things with the computer, Directv, and other things around the house that mommy doesn't really deal with.

Boy are we sure going to miss you Daddy. You're not even gone yet and we are counting the days until you come back!


mine eyes said...

Know that you have a should of support whenever you may need it at our home. We hope for a speedy and safe return of daddy.

Our Fam said...

What a sweet message, we are here for you whatever you need. I hope Matt has a safe trip there and a speedy safe return home. See you soon.