Sunday, December 14, 2008

Goodbye Daddy

An early Christmas present
A great way to work off some energy.


Matt left today for 3 months to support the Marines with software that he has been working on. We are so proud of him, but boy was it sure hard to say goodbye. There will be a piece of me missing until he comes home.

In the van on the way home from the airport, Maddy asked me what was wrong. I told her I missed Daddy and she said in her best mommy voice, It's alright, it's ok. Who'd have thought my 3 year old would have such wisdom.

We have a paper chain of 100 links so we can countdown the days until Daddy comes home. We also have a kissing box so that we can leave all of our kisses for Daddy in it and he can have them when he comes home.
We miss you so much Daddy. Please hurry home. Be safe.

We tried to get some fun things in before daddy left. Enjoy the pictures. Some of them aren't the greatest.

1 comment:

Our Fam said...

Maddy is such a sweetie. I know it will be hard to not have him home, but you have Disneyland to look forward to, and we are all here for you for whatever you may need in his absence. I am just a phone call away, or a small walk from your office to mine ; ). We love you and your family and our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly.
Love ya,
Jenn (and the Fam)