Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy birthday Peyton

Peyton is 2 today. It doesn't seem possible. I can recall most of the details of the day he was born. Everything from arriving at the hospital, I drove (a c-section - I wan't in labor) to the horrible spinal they gave me to holding Peyton for the first time. One of the things I remember most about that time was holding him during the middle of the night, listening to Chrismtas music and watching the sun rise. It was such a peaceful time. The nurses left me alone more since it was my second child.

Even though Peyton can be a holy terror and get into everything, he still is my cuddle baby. It's hard not having daddy here to help us celebrate, but we're doing ok. The Glasford's came over for pizza and presents and then we went to San Tan Village to see Santa.

1 comment:

mine eyes said...

May little "P" have the happiest of birthdays. It is so amazing how once they are born they sprout wings and years just slip away.