Monday, December 29, 2008


At the hotel.
Helping Papa put the barn together.

The garage is taller than he is.

Jungle in My Pockets
Opening her Christmas Barbie, a tradition from Mommy.

For us, Christmas morning was Saturday. We didn't lug any presents to Disenyland although Grammy bought a little tree for us to decorate Christmas Eve and had stockings for us in the morning.

Maddy got her barn and animals from Santa. It was the only thing she asked for. Peyton got a giant garage. He is so into cars and things that go, just like him.

They got a train table from Grammy and Papa and so many nice things from our family in NH.
We need a bigger house! There are way too many toys and big ones at that. Hopefully the economy will turn around a little and we can try and sell again.

1 comment:

Our Fam said...

So much fun, I see what you meant about the huge garage. He will love it im sure. Have a good week and weekend and I will see you on Monday.