Sunday, December 21, 2008

Peyton's Birthday Party

We are going to have a joint party for Peyton and Maddy's birthdays, but we did have our friends the Glasford's over Friday night to help celebrate. Maddy was such a big help to Peytyon (opening his gifts and blowing out his candles). All day she told everyone that it was her birthday. After pizza, we headed over to San Tan Village to see Santa. Maddy loved seeing Santa, Peyton not so much.


Unknown said...

Miss you guys tons. Happy Birthday, Peyton!


Our Fam said...

Happy Birthday Peyton!!!!
I cannot believe its been 2 years already, I remember when you were pregnant with him, it does not seem like that long ago that he was just a little thing in your arms coming to visit the kids at school. Oh how time flys. Enjoy Disneyland, we will see you soon.