Thursday, January 29, 2009

First Trip to the Dentist

Maddy had her first dentist appointment on Tuesday. We had been reading stories and using a social story to prepare her. She had a ball in the waiting room playing and greeting everyone who came in. When it was her turn she walked right back and sat down. She wasn't too keen on the chair going back or the bib. But Ali, the hygenist was a sport and cleaned her teeth standing up (at least 6 of them). Maddy didn't like the vibrations of the polishing tool but she liked having the water sprayed into her mouth.

When the dentist came in, she sat right back and let him look at her teeth. She did so good. We'll see if it goes a little better in 6 months.


mine eyes said...

Way to go girl... I know the dentist office is sensory overload for myself. She is a much braver girl then I could ever be. We look forward to partying with ya all Sat.

Our Fam said...

Way to go Maddy.... She is such a trooper. I hate the dentist. She is getting so BIG!
Love ya,