Friday, February 27, 2009

All Maddy wants for Christmas

Arriving at the farm.
Greeting Allie
Brushing Easy
Lassoing up some cones.

Getting ready.
Can't you just see the excitement in her eyes?
Easy really like me. I got a hug.
Words cannot even describe how our morning with the Hunkapi therapy horse program went. I was pretty nervous that Maddy wouldn't want to ride a horse because she would have to wear a helmet. The week before, they had practiced wearing one in class to prepare them.

From the moment we arrived until bed time I believe, Maddy had a grin on her face the size of the Grand Canyon. It was truly a magical day for her and our little girl wasn't so little anymore.

Our horses name was Easy. Maddy was paired up with her best friend Allie. They are the most "spirited" girls so they got one of the more spirited horses. We let Allie ride first. Maddy was so good and patient. She was able to play a lasso game and play in the dirt so she was content.

When it was her turn, she walked right over, got the helmet on, hopped on the horse and was off. I had to stay on one side while the leader was on the other. She was so comfortable and doing so well, we were walking at quite a fast pace (felt like a trot to me!) We were passing everyone up. Maddy would say "giddy up", "whoa", "yee haw" and sang Old MacDonald. It was very touching to see our daughter be at peace on such a big animal. It's as if her body and mind told her "stop moving around and enjoy this". Boy did she ever.


mine eyes said...

Way to go Maddy! You are a much braver being than I. But let me be the first to remind you- always double check that the saddle belt is on snug. I still get major flash back of riding a horse and watching the knees. I was upside down (well nearly upside down). You go Maddy!

Barbara said...

I have tears in my eyes!
She has grown up so much this year.
What a wonderful experience for you both.
I see one of those "Ranch Houses"(the ones with the horses who live with you and a bridal path behind the house) in your future.
AND... they are so cheap right now:)

Our Fam said...

Such a cutie.... She was SO happy that day, and she looks SO comfortable on that horse. Good Job Girl!
Love ya,