Saturday, March 14, 2009

Me and the kids in Sedona

This shot is from a gas station. It is so beautiful.

I had to get in some of the photos.

I asked Maddy to hug and kiss Peyton. Poor guy. He was a good sport about it, but you can see the "help me" in his face.

Dowtown Sedona, things were just beginning to bloom.

Downtown Sedona

My first fire! It really got going and was nice.
Peyton wasn't too sure of it.

Views from our balcony.

Even though it was only in the 50s, Maddy wanted to relax and enjoy the scenery.

On the grounds.


Peyton was actually cautious of the creek. He wasn't ready to plunge in.

Walking the resort grounds.

Maddy checking out the creek.

I really wanted to do something with the kids over my spring break. I needed some serious downtime. I thought about going to one of the local resorts, but the pool would have been a tease because there is no way I would take both of them swimming with just me.

So, I remembered Junipine Resort in Sedona where we went with Scott's family and my parents 2 years ago. It was secluded and in a beautiful setting. And it wasn't a hotel, the resort has 1 and 2 bedroom fully equipped cabins. I packed up a cooler of our favorite foods (including a great bottle of wine for me), some toys and our coats (it was chilly) and we headed to Sedona on Wednesday.

We didn't do a whole lot and that was ok. We ventured into town and walked around one morning, but the kids weren't too interested in that and I wasn't really looking for anything to buy. We also took a few walks around the resort which is right on the banks of Oak Creek. We had fires in the fireplace at night, watched movies, ordered room service, played and relaxed.

I have to admit I was very nervous about taking them on my own. If they were just a bit older we could have done a few more things, but it was perfect none the less.


Our Fam said...

Looks like you guys had fun, I love Maddies hair cut. Glad that you got to get away and relax, you needed that : ) and you deserve it too!

Barbara said...

I am proud of you woman...
you "passed a mile stone" of sorts by venturing out alone with the kids.
AND...everyone lived to tell about it.
Even though we know we can do these things alone it's nice to know in a few weeks you won't have to;)
I may stop in next week to drop off some things...see you then.
Love, B.

mine eyes said...

I am so happy to hear that you all had a such a wonderful time! Sedona is so relaxing. I am always amazed at how the red rock recharges the soul.
I will have to look into these cabins...
Tracy your photo's with the kids are BEAUTIFUL!